Mortgage Master - Mortgage Calculator

Mortgage Calculator

How much are you paying on your housing loan in Singapore each month? Find out now.

Your Mortgage

$ .00

Mortgage Payment Breakdown

Mortgage Master logo

Your Monthly Payment

$ 0.00

(According to on lowest available rate of %)

Total Interest Paid

$ 0.00

Total Payment Amount

$ 0.00

How do I calculate my HDB Loan?

The current HDB housing loan interest rate is 2.60%. The interest rate for an HDB housing loan is always 0.10% above the CPF Ordinary Account interest rate. If you are on an HDB loan, your maximum loan tenure is either until you reach 65 years old, or 25 years, whichever is shorter. In other words, you cannot take a HDB loan for more than 25 years.

How do I calculate my housing loan?

The best home loan rate in Singapore offered by banks is 1.08% Year 1 - 2. This is based on the best SIBOR rate being offered to refinancing customers today. However, if your current home loan package has a different interest rate, feel free to key it in the calculator above. .